

Aromatic herbs, with their scents and aromas, take us back in time to childhood. They evoke traditional Sunday lunches cooked slowly using the traditional methods handed down to us from one generation to the next. They remind us of holidays with our Grandparents in Provence and the way of life under our beautiful sunshine!

Bouquets Garnis for Fish

Contient du Thym / Laurier / Romarin / Fenouil

5 mini bouquets plein de saveurs

Barquette refermable

À retrouver aussi : Volaille, Lapin, Porc, Pot-au-feu, Agneau

Thyme and Bay leaf

Véritables herbes Provence

Étui Thym / Laurier grand format

Existe aussi en Thym ou Laurier

Idéal pour vos plats en sauce et marinades